Fleet Morals Mac OS

  1. Those software tools allow the hacker using them to break into — and control — computers and mobile devices including those running the Android, iOS, Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris,.
  2. No longer relegated to the fringe, Macs are fast becoming integral to today's business organization. As a result, IT can no longer rely on one or two dedicated 'Mac guys' to maintain its Mac fleet.

Access on-demand Mac servers for app development, Mac tasks, and enterprise builds. Our hosted Mac private clouds are powered by VMware, we use Mac mini, Mac Pro and Xserve to build the fleet for our customers. All of our plans are backed by genuine Mac hardware hosted in professional data centers around the globe. The new operating system was released just after Apple's October 22, 2013 media event and is a free upgrade from the Mac App Store for all OS X Mountain Lion, Lion, and Snow Leopard users.

Fleet Morals Mac OS

Fleet Morals Mac Os X


  • As we all already could have predicted but nice to see in print.
  • Whoa. Windows@IBM users were about 500% more likely to need migration assistance just within Windows. That stat blows me away. This in a workforce of 381,100 is a feather in Apple’s cap. Goodonya folks. (https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/IBM/ibm/number-of-employees)
  • ...
    employees that used Mac machines were 22 percent more likely to exceed expectations in performance reviews compared to Windows users. Employees generating sales deals has 16% larger proceeds from Mac users as well.
    I guess having read enumerable medical studies proving that black is white and the sun rises in the west, and having started as an accountant fully cognizant of the truth behind the saying that: 'Figures lie and liars figure', I have become quite cynical of statistics -- particularly those that fail the smell test.
    In the case of medical studies it has become generally accepted in the medical community that the primary determinant of the outcome of a study is who funded the study. And, we all know about accountants and lawyers...
    This one fails the smell test. It reeks of using statistics to prove a point.
    Are Macs better in the business environment? Very likely -- particularly if you it's a favorable environment. But, these stats sound highly suspicious to me.
  • ...
    employees that used Mac machines were 22 percent more likely to exceed expectations in performance reviews compared to Windows users. Employees generating sales deals has 16% larger proceeds from Mac users as well.
    I guess having read enumerable medical studies proving that black is white and the sun rises in the west, and having started as an accountant fully cognizant of the truth behind the saying that: 'Figures lie and liars figure', I have become quite cynical of statistics -- particularly those that fail the smell test.
    In the case of medical studies it has become generally accepted in the medical community that the primary determinant of the outcome of a study is who funded the study. And, we all know about accountants and lawyers...
    This one fails the smell test. It reeks of using statistics to prove a point.
    Are Macs better in the business environment? Very likely -- particularly if you it's a favorable environment. But, these stats sound highly suspicious to me.
    This isn't new news and has been quantified before. IBM has done their own studies and thus are not funded like drug manufacturers do for their studies:
  • ...
    employees that used Mac machines were 22 percent more likely to exceed expectations in performance reviews compared to Windows users. Employees generating sales deals has 16% larger proceeds from Mac users as well.
    I guess having read enumerable medical studies proving that black is white and the sun rises in the west, and having started as an accountant fully cognizant of the truth behind the saying that: 'Figures lie and liars figure', I have become quite cynical of statistics -- particularly those that fail the smell test.
    In the case of medical studies it has become generally accepted in the medical community that the primary determinant of the outcome of a study is who funded the study. And, we all know about accountants and lawyers...
    This one fails the smell test. It reeks of using statistics to prove a point.
    Are Macs better in the business environment? Very likely -- particularly if you it's a favorable environment. But, these stats sound highly suspicious to me.
    I don’t follow, isn’t this a study performed by IBM about IBM? Who is IBM trying to pump up?
  • As we all already could have predicted but nice to see in print.
    Not surprised at all! I work in a MS only workplace and see what the support people go through and frankly I suspect even Linux would be dramatically less trouble. The biggest problem with Apple in the corporate world, especially manufacturing, is suitable hardware. The Mac Mini is not a universal solution and all in ones are completely unacceptable. I still don’t think Apple gets it but then again neither do many corporate IT managers.
  • Duh! Every user of Apple products knows this.
    That's a bit facile, in the enterprise context, where things are a lot more complicated.
    This is exactly the kind of news and analysis that enterprises need to hear more of: I will be passing this article on to the head of IT in my organization, for sure.
    (Was there a link to the IBM study in the article?)
    edited November 2019
  • Duh! Every user of Apple products knows this.
    That's a bit facile, in the enterprise context, where things are a lot more complicated.
    This is exactly the kind of news and analysis that enterprises need to hear more of: I will be passing this article on to the head of IT in my organization, for sure.
    (Was there a link to the IBM study in the article?)
    Not yet. When they publish the entire piece, we'll link to it. We're on the ground at the Jamf conference.
  • ...
    employees that used Mac machines were 22 percent more likely to exceed expectations in performance reviews compared to Windows users. Employees generating sales deals has 16% larger proceeds from Mac users as well.
    I guess having read enumerable medical studies proving that black is white and the sun rises in the west, and having started as an accountant fully cognizant of the truth behind the saying that: 'Figures lie and liars figure', I have become quite cynical of statistics -- particularly those that fail the smell test.
    In the case of medical studies it has become generally accepted in the medical community that the primary determinant of the outcome of a study is who funded the study. And, we all know about accountants and lawyers...
    This one fails the smell test. It reeks of using statistics to prove a point.
    Are Macs better in the business environment? Very likely -- particularly if you it's a favorable environment. But, these stats sound highly suspicious to me.
    Honestly I believe just about the entire article. Why? I’ve seen first hand just how bad MS based solutions are and the support structure to keep them running.
  • As we all already could have predicted but nice to see in print.
    Not surprised at all! I work in a MS only workplace and see what the support people go through and frankly I suspect even Linux would be dramatically less trouble. The biggest problem with Apple in the corporate world, especially manufacturing, is suitable hardware. The Mac Mini is not a universal solution and all in ones are completely unacceptable. I still don’t think Apple gets it but then again neither do many corporate IT managers.
    There’s nothing unacceptable about AIOs at any of the Fortune 100 and 500 enterprise orgs I’ve worked for over the years. In fact most issue laptops, which are....AIOs. This hasn’t been a problem whatsoever. We use cloud and network data stores, and if a machine breaks down it is replaced readily.
    And for my own personal business I have no issue with my new iMac AIO and it’s kickass 5K display, it’s incredible sharp and less expensive than buying a stand-alone plus 4+ K monitor.
    edited November 2019
  • wizard69 said:
    I’ve seen first hand just how bad MS based solutions are and the support structure to keep them running.
    We use Macs for everything except our accounting software which has been running on Windows for more than 20 years. Just for the sake of legacy compatibility we still use Windows in that department. I have no issues with Windows 10. It works fine in my opinion, but for our programming, publishing and design projects we are all Mac. I haven't upgraded anything to Catalina yet due to various issues that have been reported.
  • I’m equally comfortable with both macOS and Windows but I completely agree that macOS is more reliable and easier to maintain than Windows 10. The difference is not huge, but when you’re talking thousands of users small differences in reliability have a large impact on availability, which is where the rubber meets the road for most end users. End users are very intolerant of any downtime caused by computer system glitches and failures. Downtime leads to frustration, loss of productivity, and decreased moral. More recently I’ve even seen new employee hires that have a contractual commitment from their new employer that allows them to use a Mac inside what is traditionally a Windows-only shop. Is this kowtowing to hipsters? No, it’s allowing employees to perform at their best and not setting them up for failure or frustration by creating needless barriers to the employee's and company’s success. I know, this sounds too hard to take for conformists and government workers, but some companies (around 30% I’d guess) actually understand the value of having happy and engaged employees. Sounds like IBM gets it and good for them.
  • As we all already could have predicted but nice to see in print.
    The biggest problem with Apple in the corporate world, especially manufacturing, is suitable hardware.
    I have worked in a mixed environment, at a print shop. All the design was done on Macs, but the presses ran Windows software that was customized for our shop, ages before I worked there. I helped support an NT environment, which had its issues, mostly with sales people’s laptops not connecting to the network and the like, but the Mac side ran smoothly nearly 100% of the time. I think the only time I serviced a Mac was when an OS 9 System Folder became “un-blessed” , and wouldn’t boot. Luckily, I remembered the trick to fix that (drag Finder out and then back in). The design staff were very pleased with me that day!
    edited November 2019
  • As we all already could have predicted but nice to see in print.
    Not surprised at all! I work in a MS only workplace and see what the support people go through and frankly I suspect even Linux would be dramatically less trouble. The biggest problem with Apple in the corporate world, especially manufacturing, is suitable hardware. The Mac Mini is not a universal solution and all in ones are completely unacceptable. I still don’t think Apple gets it but then again neither do many corporate IT managers.
    What? Where are you living? We see a lot of iMacs on reception desks, hospitals and many crowded business places every day...
    edited November 2019
  • ...
    employees that used Mac machines were 22 percent more likely to exceed expectations in performance reviews compared to Windows users. Employees generating sales deals has 16% larger proceeds from Mac users as well.
    I guess having read enumerable medical studies proving that black is white and the sun rises in the west, and having started as an accountant fully cognizant of the truth behind the saying that: 'Figures lie and liars figure', I have become quite cynical of statistics -- particularly those that fail the smell test.
    In the case of medical studies it has become generally accepted in the medical community that the primary determinant of the outcome of a study is who funded the study. And, we all know about accountants and lawyers...
    This one fails the smell test. It reeks of using statistics to prove a point.
    Are Macs better in the business environment? Very likely -- particularly if you it's a favorable environment. But, these stats sound highly suspicious to me.
    Why would it fail the smell test. IBM was never a Mac user because they were Apple's biggest competitor. For most people, it's hard to go public and tell the world that what you used to sell and support is garbage. It's like the CEO of Ford telling the world that now, 40% of his workforce drives GM cars and they are more productive, happier, etc. IBM still has a vested interest in Lenovo, which is one of the biggest PC mfg. and that's the brand IBM uses. So why would IBM go around basically telling the world that PCs (Lenovo) suck in comparison to Macs? And that doesn't pass the smell test?
  • ...
    employees that used Mac machines were 22 percent more likely to exceed expectations in performance reviews compared to Windows users. Employees generating sales deals has 16% larger proceeds from Mac users as well.
    I guess having read enumerable medical studies proving that black is white and the sun rises in the west, and having started as an accountant fully cognizant of the truth behind the saying that: 'Figures lie and liars figure', I have become quite cynical of statistics -- particularly those that fail the smell test.
    In the case of medical studies it has become generally accepted in the medical community that the primary determinant of the outcome of a study is who funded the study. And, we all know about accountants and lawyers...
    This one fails the smell test. It reeks of using statistics to prove a point.
    Are Macs better in the business environment? Very likely -- particularly if you it's a favorable environment. But, these stats sound highly suspicious to me.
    IBM is just reporting their findings. IBM sells and supports Windows and Macs to their customers, but their internal use of each platform is what THEY are researching because it helps them make better decisions moving forward in how to deal with their internal IT issues with employees. IBM used force their employees to use Windows, but they don't anymore and now they are looking at various metrics and reporting just to let people know what happens when you change to their new and different method of dealing with IT and their employees.
  • even with today’s purported keyboards on the macbook pros. imagine that... /s
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